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What does the Texas Education Code say about requirements?

Age Requirement

  •  “a child who is at least six years of age, or who is younger than six years of age and has previously been enrolled in first grade and who has not yet reached the child’s 18th birthday shall attend school.”

Days required

  • Homeschools in Texas are private schools, and the state of Texas does not regulate the number of days per year that private schools must be in session or the number of days a student must attend.

Required subjects

  • Good citizenship, math, reading, spelling and grammar.
  • "Good citizenship" is a broad subject and can be covered in a course of good character/morals, teaching to be a good private citizen in the community, etc.  Teaching U.S. and Texas history, government (theoretical and practical), the Pledge of Allegiance, and similar activities will also help meet this requirement.

Home schools can legally operate as private schools in Texas

  • Homeschools fall under private school guidelines in the state of Texas.

How do I take children out of Public School?

  • Obtain your curriculum

  • Write the principal of the school your child attends and tell him that you are withdrawing. See the Withdraw from Public School Section of the Texas Home School Coalition website for sample letters.  For additional information dealing with the school district, see THSC’s FAQs page. Click the School Districts tab.

  • If the school contacts you and requires more than just the letter, ask for their request IN WRITING. Keep copies of all correspondence

What are some reasons to homeschool?


  • To have daily and consistent time to spend with your children to instill Christian principles and moral values.


  • To customize your child’s education – choosing curriculum and modifying for each of your children.

  • To allow the child to work at their own pace rather than to be left behind or to have to wait for peers to catch up.

  • To avoid secular teaching inconsistent with your theology.

Socialization Issues

  • To provide a safe learning environment for children.

  • To be available to serve the family and neighbors.

  • To allow more time to pursue interests and gifts.

  • To provide the child with a wide scope of relationships with people of ALL ages rather than with only peers of the same age.

Special Needs

  • If a child has special needs (ADD, handicaps, etc..), home education provides an alternative means of education surrounded with a loving family.  Contact [email protected] to talk  with a loving parent for support.

To Strengthen Family Relationships

  • Home education provides the avenue for siblings to become friends and family ties to become stronger.

How many credits does my child need to graduate?

See the THSC for the most up to date information.

The TEA recommended high school program consists of 26 credits. The core recommended course sample is:

  • 4 credits of English/Language Arts
  • 4 credits of Mathematics, including Algebra I, II and Geometry
  • 4 credits of Science, including Biology, Chemistry and Physics
  • 4 credits of Social Studies, including World History, World Geography, U.S. History, ½ credit Government ½ credit Economics
  • 1 credit of Physical Education
  • ½ credit of Speech
  • 1 credit of Fine Arts
  • 5 ½ credits of Electives
  • 2 credits of Foreign Language Studies